15-Minute HIIT Abs Workout for Strength & Endurance | Peach City Runners

15-Minute HIIT Abs Workout for Strength & Endurance

“High intensity interval training (HIIT) is popular among runners because it helps you boost your strength and speed on the roads and trails”

Read the full article at https://bit.ly/3qRuRm7 to discover how to perform each exercise listed below. This workout is designed to strengthen your core muscles and get your heart pumping.

  1. Squat With Rotation
  2. Jump Squat With Rotation
  3. Bear Plank Kick-Through
  4. Sprawl
  5. Butterfly Sit-Up
  6. Alternating Single-Leg V-Up
  7. Bicycle Crunch

Courtesy of Monique Lebrun for Runner’s World