Why You Should Almost Always Avoid a DNF | Peach City Runners

Why You Should Almost Always Avoid a DNF

It’s been a very long year, but we’re beginning to hear murmurings that many marathons will be making comebacks later this year. For many of us it’s been a dream for the past year+ to toe the line again, since all the cancellations due to COVID abruptly interfered with our plans.

Whether looking to finish your first marathon, training to achieve a PB, or even to win your age group, we can begin to train with purpose again. And we all know the key to meeting our goals is preparing well for the race.

That said, on challenging training days, and on race day specifically, there are so many variables that can disrupt our plans and sabotage us mentally, emotionally, and physically. Read on for advice on sticking with it on tough days.

“But if the catalyst for throwing in the towel is a missed goal, bruised ego, poor outcome, or something of that nature, my take is that any result is better than no result. Failure is a real and necessary part of sport and not something to opt out of simply because it’s painful.”

Read more https://www.runnersworld.com/training/a36144534/finish-your-races/

Remember – just getting to the start line will be a victory in itself ; ) So stay in the moment, get to that finish line no matter what targets you’ve been fantasizing about hitting all year long. You’ll be elated you did.

Happy training and keep up the hard work!

Article by Becky Wade for Runner’s World