Should Proffee Be Your New Go-To Recovery Drink?

I guess I’m one of the few who have never heard of “proffee”.  Apparently it’s exactly what it sounds like: protein (milk or powder) plus coffee, and a great option for replenishing and repairing tired muscles and enhancing recovery post-run.

If you’re like me and curious to learn more,

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Skipping Breakfast Can Hurt Your Performance

Research shows skipping breakfast can hurt your performance later in the day. Even if you eat the same amount of carbs and calories, extending your nightly fast can slow you down.

According to a study published in the European Journal of Sport Science,

“Eating breakfast helped the participants perform significantly

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What Exactly Is KT Tape and How Does It Work?

Kinesiology tape (a combination of adhesive, spandex, cotton strips) can provide support, relieve pain, and turn your muscles on and off.

Discover how kinesio tape can treat knee pain, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendon pain, swelling and general muscle pain

Article by Ashley Mateo for Runner’s World


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Do Running Shoes Cause or Prevent Injury?

We all want to find the perfect running shoe to help us run our best pain-free, but many of us have preconceived ideas about how big of a factor our shoe choice is when it comes to causing or preventing injury.

“Many runners take for granted that more cushioned shoes

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Why Does Treadmill Running Feel Harder Than Outside?

Everyone I talk to says the same about treadmill running, that is, that it feels so much harder and longer to cover the same distance. If you feel like that too, here’s some insight to assure you that it’s not all in your head!

“The way the treadmill belt propels

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Vigorous Exercise Could Add Years to Your Life

Study suggests all activity is helpful, but throwing in some intense workouts could give your health an extra boost.

“In the right doses, vigorous activity is a great thing,” she said. “It challenges the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems of the body to a greater extent than moderate activity.”


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HIIT Workout Will Get You Fit, Fast

“If you think getting stronger requires spending hours in the gym, think again. This bodyweight high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout designed by Runner’s World+ coach Jess Movold is just three moves and requires no equipment—but still packs a major punch.”

Read on for a great circuit workout for runners

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Have you heard of a Farmer’s Walk?

What is a Farmer’s walk exercise and why should runners add it to their routine?

“The farmer’s walk works nearly every muscle group in the body but particularly the leg, core, and shoulder muscles. By focusing on the legs and deep stabilizing muscles of the core, farmer’s walks can help

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V2A 5B2

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Peach City Runners
Ph: 250-490-3334